El blog de inglés para el primer ciclo de primaria y 3 ºC

martes, 25 de marzo de 2014

1° y 2° de primaria

Que bien lo hemos pasado en el teatro viendo

We've had a great time at the theater!!!

lunes, 24 de marzo de 2014

3° C

Trabaja en clase / Work in class

Activity 1:

Página 59: Entrevista a un cartero, a un policía y a un médico. Copia el ejemplo y haz los otros dos.

Page 59: Interview a postman, a police officer and a doctor. Copy the example and do the other two.

What do you do?
I'm a postman. I deliver letters.
Where do you work?
At the post office.

Activity 2:

Copia las siguientes preguntas y contesta. Copy the following questions and answer.

1. Who brings me letters every day?
2. Who bakes my bread in the early morning?
3. Who works outside, on the street?
4. If I'm sick, who can help me?
5. If my dog is sick, who can help me?

1° Primaria

Stick the stickers in your notebook and write the names.

Pega las pegatinas en tú libreta y escribe los nombres.

1° Primaria

Stick the stickers  in your book, page 55.

Pega las pegatinas  en el libro página 55.

sábado, 22 de marzo de 2014

2º Primaria

SONG: page 54

I like my town, yes! I like my town.
I like the streets and the shops.
I like the parks and the people.

I like fire engines, they say "Ding, ding, ding"!
I like police cars, they say "Ting, ting, ting"!
Hurry, hurry, this is my town!

jueves, 20 de marzo de 2014

Control Unidad 6

Ya casi hemos terminado la segunda evaluación y solo queda un pequeño esfuerzo mas. Aquí están las fechas del control del tema 6:

Lunes 24: 2° C.

Miércoles 26:  1° C, 1° E, 2° D,  3° C.

Jueves 27: 1° A, 1° B,  1° D, 2° A, 2° B.

lunes, 17 de marzo de 2014

St. Patrick's Day

Podéis visitar esta página si queréis saber mas sobre el día de San Patricio. You can visit this page if you want to know more about St. Patrick's Day.


jueves, 13 de marzo de 2014

3° C

Complete the dialogue with your parents' professions. Completa el diálogo con las profesiones de tus padres. Look at the example. Mira el ejemplo.
What do you do?
I'm a vet.
Where do you work?
I work in an animal hospital.
What do you do?
I'm a teacher.
And, where do you work?
I work in a school.

martes, 11 de marzo de 2014

1º Primaria


Where is the spider?

If the spider is in the    kitchen          clap your hands!
                                      living room

lunes, 10 de marzo de 2014

1° de primaria

Unit 6: Houses and homes


Reconocer y nombrar las habitaciones de una casa.
Describir casas y localizaciones.
Hablar de los materiales y de que estan hechos los objetos comunes.
Desarrollar conciencia de reciclaje.


Bathroom, bedroom, garden, kitchen, living room, glass, metal, paper, plastic, wood, bottle, can, chair, door, window.


This is my bedroom.
The bathroom is small.
My family is in the kitchen.
Where is mummy? She's in the bedroom.
It's got a living room and a bathroom.
It's made of glass.

2° Primaria


In my town, in my town,
There are streets, there are streets,
In my street, in my street,
There are shops, there are shops.

Police station, fire station,
Hospital, and
big buildings too. (x2)

In my town, in my town,
There are parks, there are parks,
In my street, in my street,
There are schools, there are schools.

Police station, fire station,
Hospital, and
big buildings too. (x2)

And oooooh! What's that?
NO! It's a cat!

2° Primaria



Reconocer y nombrar diferentes lugares.
Describir las caracteristicas de la ciudad.
Expresar gustos y aversiones.
Identificar diferentes vehiculos.
Nombrar los lugares donde paran los vehiculos de pasajeros.
Comprender el uso de mapas.


Town, country, building, street, park, shop, fire station, police station, hospital, school, airport, coach station, train station, bus stop, map.


There is a park.
There are schools.
I like / I don't like your town.
Where is the airport?
At the bus stop.



Identificar y nombar diferentes trabajos y lugares de trabajo.
Contestar preguntas sencillas correctamente.
Leer una entrevista.
Hablar sobre gente que nos ayuda.
Preguntar y contestar preguntas sobre el trabajo y los lugares de trabajo.
Hablar de lo que la gente hace en el trabajo.


Baker, baker's shop, police officer, vet, doctor, hospital, animal hospital, farm, police station, post office, letters, parcels, trays, total, early, late, work, deliver, inside, outside...


What do you do?
Where do you work?
I work in the...
I'm a...
In a baker's shop
In the street
In a school
In total    

lunes, 3 de marzo de 2014

1° Primaria

Para practicar el vocabulario jugamos en parejas. In order to practice the vocabulary we are playing in pairs.

- Say a number!
- Four!
- Choose a colour!
- Red!
- A bike! Where is the bike?
- Under the table!

2° Primaria

Para practicar el vocabulario vamos a jugar en parejas. In order to practice the vocabulary we are playing a game in pairs.

Los alumnos pueden seguir un dialogo similar al siguiente:

- Say a number!
- Four!
- Choose a colour!
- Yellow!
- Asparagus! Do you like asparagus?
-Yes, I do!
  No, I don't!

2° de primaria y 3° C

Vamos a practicar otro trabalenguas. We are working in another tongue twister.

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood in a truck?
As much wood as a woodchuck could if a would chuck could chuck wood!

Podeis oirlo en youtube en el siguiente enlace. You can listen to it in the following link:
